徐大生 博士 Raymond Hsu, Ph. D.
Phone:626-917-9482 x142 / Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- 現任:北美中華福音神學院教務副主任及專任老師
- 主授:新約經卷、新約神學、希臘文
- Ph. D. 2013, Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary
- MABS 2010, Westminster Seminary California
- Ph. D. 1990, Purdue University
- 曾任:
- 聖地牙哥主恩堂實習傳道
- 網路系统設計工程師
- 人造衛星設計工程師
- 著有:
- A Study of Marked Subjunctives in the Writings of Paul and other New Testament and Ancient Judeo - Greek Authors, 2013(博士論文)