富勒神學院(Fuller Theological Seminary)新約神學碩士,克雷頓大學(Creighton University)基督教靈修神學碩士和屬靈導師,泰爾博神學院(Talbot School of Theology)新約碩士、舊約碩士,加州大學聖塔芭芭拉(UCSB)分校統計學碩士。目前在北美華神擔任靈命與品格塑造中心副主任。在教會服事多年,包括詩班指揮、司琴、成人主日學老師、青年輔導和屬靈導師。

Joyce holds a Th.M. in New Testament from Fuller Theological Seminary, a M.A. in Christian Spirituality and a certified spiritual director from Creighton University, a M.A. in OT and a M.A. in NT from Talbot School of Theology, and a M.A. of Statistics from the University of California, Santa Barbara.  She currently serves as the Assistant Director of the Spiritual and Character Formation Center (SCFC) at China Evangelical Seminary North America (CESNA). She has many years of church service as a choir conductor and spiritual director.





1520 W. Cameron Ave., Suite 275
West Covina, CA 91790

Hot line: +1 626-917-9482



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